Looking for financial advice, support or simply have a question you want answered?
You have come to the right place!
We are an Award Winning Financial Advisers with a difference: Asking questions is free, you don’t need a formal appointment……we communicate how and when you want. We work for you, not for any insurance company or bank.
We offer more than financial advice. We offer financial understanding and insight but most importantly:
We show you all your financial options!
These days it's vital to have a plan for your retirement and how you are going to afford to live. In the future, we're not going to be able to rely on the state or our employer to look after us into our old age.
With all that’s going on in the financial markets, it can be hard to work out exactly what it means to you and your money. We spend a lot of time researching investment funds and have direct access to the leading fund managers in Ireland. We keep on top of what is happening in the investment markets to keep you better informed on your savings and investments.
Life Assurance
In the event of a tragedy, life assurance proceeds can help pay the bills, continue a family business, finance future needs like your children's education, protect your spouse's retirement plans and much more. Protecting your lifestyle and your loved ones is at the core of every one of our financial plans.
Mortgage Services
We do much more than simply send your application off to the bank. All of our consultants have Financial Services qualifications and with our knowledge and experience in the industry - we get your mortgage done more efficiently and with less stress!