If you were unable to earn an income due to sickness, accident, injury or disability, how would you pay your bills? 

Here's some food for thought:

  • 1 in 6 of Irelands working population will be disabled for more than 6 months

  • The average Income Protection claim duration is 5.5 years

  • Social Welfare disability allowance is just € 203.00 per week for an individual

  • There is no Social Welfare benefit for the self-employed

  • Only 15% of private sector workers are entitled to sick pay for more than 6 months

  • Public sector workers receive full pay for their first 6 months of absence followed by half pay for the next 6 months

An Income Protection policy provides an income of up to 75% of your salary (including the state social welfare benefit) if you are unable to do your job due to any accident, illness or disability. You even get tax relief on the cost of the plans so the premiums work out surprisingly inexpensive!

Did you know that income protection premiums also qualify for tax relief at the marginal rate?? So it doesn’t cost as much as you think!

Get your Income Protection Quote to see how you can protect your income for as little as €10 per week

Contact us here