Group Life Assurance
Group Life Assurance is also known as Death In Service benefit. This is where life assurance is arranged by the company for its employees, normally as a multiple of the individual employees salary.
Death In Service can be part of the benefits package for employees along with Income Protection. Some of the advantages of providing this type of life assurance are:
Part of an employee benefits package to attract and retain key employees
Flexible choice of benefits ( usually 3 or 4 times annual salary)
Cost of Plan reviewed annually by Hopkins Financial Consultants
Costs allowable as a business expense
Reduced underwriting requirements for Group plans - little medical underwriting required.
From an employees point of view, if your employer provides a death in service benefit, you should take this into consideration when reviewing your personal life assurance requirements. Don't cancel existing cover without speaking to a professional adviser who can explain any consequences of cancelling an existing policy (for example, some types of policy may acquire a value in future or may have conversion options at the end of term) - see notes below for explanation of this term.
Death in Service is different to Keyman Insurance. Keyman protects the company in the event of the loss of a key employee or director (benefit paid to the company) whereas Death In Service protects the employee (benefit paid to next of kin or other nominated person).
Hopkins Financial Consultants work with all the major providers of Group Life Assurance in Ireland to provide our corporate clients with the most competitive pricing and a first class personal service.
If you would like to consider providing this benefit for your employees, Contact Us with details and we'll put together a competitive proposal for your company.
Conversion Option - allows you to extend your cover, if you wish, at the end of the existing plan. A major benefit of doing this is that you don't have to provide further medical information.